Sunday, November 27, 2011


We live in a rented house. I liked it a lot but all our walls are the same colour, it´s too uniform and after some time they are boring. We are not allowed to paint the walls but I would love to do it. So instead of complain and complain (something that I have done for a while :/) I decided to start decorating them...
Well, the truth is that so far only 2 of the walls are decorated. I hung 3 frames with postcards from our trips to some National Parks on one. The other has a tapestry in yellow, white & black that brings some colour to the room. I really like this one but I need more…So I search a little bit to have some new ideas about what to try next, and those are the ones that I liked better.

With Tiles

-This would look great in our bedroom as well-

With CDs

-Super original-

With Stickers


With Plywood


-Love love love this one for our kitchen-

With Pictures


-This should be easy, I just need to spend some time deciding which pictures I want!-

So more things added to my ‘Project List’. It’s time to decorate the walls!

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